Downloading Merchant Balance Statement


Merchants can download their statements in CSV format.

  • Step 1. Merchant: Transmit the specific order details and category to ECPay via POST (HTTP Method).
  • Step 2. ECPay : Upon receiving a merchant’s order inquiry and checking the details, return a CSV file for the merchant to download.

❗ Special Note:

  1. The API has restrictions on IP access. Please set up the IP on “Merchant’s Admin Website -> System development management -> System onterface setting.”
  2. Only 1 CSV may be downloaded per minute.


  • Stage:
  • Production :

HTTPS Transfer Protocol

  • Content Type :application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • HTTP Method :POST

Request Parameters Description

MerchantID String(10)

DateType String(1)

Search date category.
The date category to be inquired
  • 2: Check date paid
  • 4: Check date disbursed date
  • 6: Check order date

BeginDate String(10)

Query start date.
The start date of the query Date format is “yyyy-MM-dd“.

EndDate String(10)

Query end date.
The end date of the query Date format is “yyyy-MM-dd“.
PaymentType String(2)

Payment method.
Check the payment method for an order

  • 01: Credit cards
  • 02: WebATM
  • 03: ATM
  • 04: Convenience store codes
  • 05: Convenience store barcodes
  • 08: Credit card (OTP)
  • 10: FamilyMart barcode
  • 11: Flexible Installment
  • 12: OPAY TWQR
  • Ignore this parameter: search all

PlatformStatus String(1)

Order category.
The order category to be inquired
  • 1: General order
  • 2: Platform order
  • Ignore this parameter: search all

PaymentStatus String(1)

Order category.
The order payment status to be inquired
  • 0: Unpaid orders
  • 1: Paid orders
  • 2: Failed orders
  • Ignore this parameter: All orders

AllocateStatus String(1)

Disbursement status.
The disbursement status of the order to be inquired
  • 0: Order has not been disbursed
  • 1: Order has been disbursed
  • Ignore this parameter: All order

MediaFormated String(1)

The format of the file to be downloaded

  • 0: Old file format
  • 1: New file format
CharSet String(1)

File encoding format to download

  • If it is in Big5 format, please bring 1 parameter.
  • If it is in UTF8 format, please bring 2 parameters.
  • If this parameter is not passed in or is null, the default is Server Default encoding format.

CheckMacValue String

Please refer to the Appendix Checksum Mechanism.

Response CSV Old File Format Details: (Chinese only)

交易日期 String

The default format is yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

綠界交易序號 String
特店訂單編號 String
ATM條碼 String
交易金額 Int
付款方式 String
付款結果 String
付款日期 String

The default format is yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

款項來源(銀行/超商) String
通路費 Int
交易服務費率(%數 / $筆) String
交易服務費金額 Number
應收款項(淨額) Number
撥款狀態 String
撥款日期 String

The default format is yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

備註 String

Response CSV New File Format Details: (Chinese only)

訂單日期 String

The default format is yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

廠商訂單編號 String
綠界訂單編號 String
店鋪代號 String
MID String
平台名稱 String
付款方式 String
費率(每筆) String
信用卡授權單號 String
信用卡卡號末4碼 String
超商資訊/ATM繳款帳號 String
付款狀態 String
交易金額 Int
退款日期 String

The default format is  yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss

退款金額 Int
交易手續費 Number
交易服務費金額 Number
應收款項(淨額) Number
撥款狀態 String
備註 String
廠商備註 String
商品名稱 String
交易描述 String
付款人姓名 String
付款人手機 String
付款人Email String
收件人姓名 String
收件人手機 String
收件人地址 String
收件人Email String
統一編號 String

❗ Special Note:

  1. The download format is the same as the “General order inquiry/Overall payments” in the admin website for merchants.
  2. If there is no data, the statement file will only contain the field names.
  3. If an error occurs, the statement fill will include a data entry recording the messages returned at the time of execution at the “Notes” or “Merchant Notes” section, in addition to the field names. All remaining fields will be empty.
  4. The file’s default encryption method is BIG-5.


The provided YAML file is used to define information such as the configuration, structure, operations, and infrastructure management of the API, making it easier for developers to understand and use the API.

					openapi: 3.1.0
  title: ECPay Reconciliation File Download API
  version: 1.0.0
  - url:
    description: Production Environment
  - url:
    description: Testing Environment
      summary: Download reconciliation file
              type: object
                  type: string
                  description: Merchant ID provided by ECPay
                  type: string
                  description: Date type for query (2 is payment date, 4 is  allocation date, 6 is order date)
                  type: string
                  description: Start date for the query (yyyy-MM-dd)
                  type: string
                  description: End date for the query (yyyy-MM-dd)
                  type: string
                  description: Payment method (optional)
                  type: string
                  description: Order type (optional)
                  type: string
                  description: Payment status (optional)
                  type: string
                  description: Allocation status (optional)
                  type: string
                  description: CSV format (0 is old format, 1 is new format)
                  type: string
                  description: File encoding format (optional)
                  type: string
                  description: CheckMac value for verification
                - MerchantID
                - DateType
                - BeginDate
                - EndDate
                - MediaFormated
                - CheckMacValue
          description: Successful response
                  - type: string
                    format: binary
                    description: |
                      當 `MediaFormated=0` 時,CSV 格式如下:
                  - type: string
                    format: binary
                    description: |
                      當 `MediaFormated=2` 時,CSV 格式如下:
                      訂單日期, 廠商訂單編號, 綠界訂單編號, 店鋪代號, 平台名稱, 付款方式, 費率(每筆), 信用卡授權單號, 信用卡卡號末4碼, 超商資訊/ATM繳款帳號, 付款狀態, 交易金額, 退款日期, 退款金額, 交易手續費, 交易服務費金額, 應收款項(淨額), 撥款狀態, 備註, 廠商備註, 商品名稱, 交易描述, 付款人姓名, 付款人手機, 付款人Email, 收件人姓名, 收件人手機, 收件人地址, 收件人Email, 統一編號

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