When the payment is authorized, merchants can call Searching single order of credit card transaction API to check Status. After checking the status merchants can request this API to do the following functions.
- Calling Searching single order of credit card transaction API, the order status would be authorized.
- Merchants can request this API (Action = C) to capture this order.
Capture Flow Chart

- Call Searching single order of credit card transaction API to check Status.
- Call this API, and if
- Authorized: merchants request (Action=N) (Abandoning Transaction.)
- To be captured: To fully refund this payment: firstly request (Action=E) Canceling capture followed by (Action=N) Abandoning or cancel transaction.
- To partially refund: request (Action=R) [refund payment].
- Captured: request (Action=R) refund payment.
Refund Flow Chart (Authorized)

Refund Flow Chart (To be captured)

Refund Flow Chart (Captured)