Printing Operations / Printing E-invoice


If the API request is successful, a URL will be returned (InvoiceHtml). Place this URL into the address bar of a browser, and the e-invoice will be displayed, which could be printed or to be saved in image or in PDF file.


  • Stage:
  • Production:

HTTPS format

  • Content Type :application/json
  • HTTP Method :POST

Request by Merchant (Json format)

PlatformID String(10)

  • Platform merchant ID
  • This parameter is provided by ECPAY to the platform vendor for project cooperation, please bring in the MerchantID bound with the platform vendor.
  • Please leave empty for general vendor.
  • When the platform vendor uses the MerchantID field, it can only bring in the MerchantID that has been bound as a sub-store, otherwise it will cause a failure.


Request header

Timestamp  Number

  • Please convert the transmission time to a timestamp (GMT+8).
  • ECPay will use this parameter to convert the current time to Unix TimeStamp to verify the time interval of this connection.

❗ Special Notes

  • If ECPay receives the API call is more 10 minutes late than the timestamp sent by merchants, this request will be failed. Reference information is as follows:
  • Merchants are suggested to frequently synchronize the time zone of server to another server of the nearest time zone.

Data String

  • Message payload
  • This is the encrypted data in JSON format.
    AES Encryption Description


    "MerchantID": "2000132",
    "RqHeader": {
        "Timestamp": 1525168923
    "Data": "..."


Message payload of Data(Json format) : please urlencode the JSON string firstly and then do AES encryption

InvoiceCategory Int
  • 0: Sales invoice (check the invoice details issued by the shop to the counterparty) – (default)
  • 1: Incoming invoice (check the details of invoices issued by the counterparty to the shop)

InvoiceNo String(10)

The e-invoice numbers

  • The data includes 2 letter track alphabets (i.e. InvoiceHeader) and 8 digits.

InvoiceDate String(20)

Date of e-invoice created

  • Format: yyyy-MM-dd

PrintStyle Int

The formatting of e-invoice (i.e. how you want the e-invoice to be printed.)

  • Values including:
    • 1: A4 printing (default)
    • 2: A5 printing


   "MerchantID": "2000132",
   "InvoiceNo": "UV11100016",
   "InvoiceDate": "2018-10-28"

Response format

  • Content Type :application/json
  • HTTP Method :POST

Response by ECPay (Json format)

PlatformID String(10)

MerchantID String(10)


Response header

Timestamp Number

Unix timestamp(GMT+8)

TransCode Int

  • Response code to indicate whether the payload is successfully accepted
  • Possible values:
    • 1: Payload (i.e. MerchantID, RqHeader, and Data) is successfully accepted by ECPay.
    • Others: failed.

TransMsg String(200)

Response message to indicate whether the payload is successfully accepted

Data String

  • Message payload
  • Responde relevant data, this is the encrypted JSON format data。
    AES Encryption Description


    "MerchantID": "2000132",
    "RpHeader": {
        "Timestamp": 1525169058
    "TransCode": 1,
    "TransMsg": "",
    "Data": "..."


Message payload of Data(Json format) : please do AES decryption to the Data firstly and then do urldecode.

RtnCode Int

Return codes to indicate whether the API is successfully executed or not.

  • Possible values:
    • 1: API is successfully executed.
    • Others: failed.

RtnMsg String(200)

Return messages to indicate whether the API is successfully executed or not.

InvoiceHtml String(500)

The URL is valid for 1 hour from the time of calling this print API


  "RtnCode": 1,
  "RtnMsg": "成功",
  "InvoiceHtml": "https://aa.aa.aa"

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