全方位金流API技術文件:CDN 特殊字完規則說明

CDN 特殊字完規則說明


    • ‘net localgroup’ (Windows command to modify local groups)
    • ‘net.exe’ (Windows Net command)
    • ‘nmap.exe’ (NMap executable for Windows)
    • ‘nc.exe’ (NetCat executable for Windows)
    • ‘traceroute’ and ‘tracert’ (Traceroute utility)
    • ‘telnet.exe’ (Windows Telnet client)
    • ‘tclsh’ and ‘tclsh8’ (Simple shell / TCL interpreter)
    • ‘tftp’ (Trivial FTP client)
    • ‘wguest.exe’ (Webcom Guestbook CGI – contains a known command injection vulnerability)
    • ‘wsh.exe’ (Windows Script Host)
    • ‘rcmd.exe’ (Windows NT remote command utility)
    • ‘ftp.exe’ (Windows FTP client)
    • ‘echo’ (Shell echo command)
    • ‘cmd32.exe’ or ‘cmd.exe’ (Windows command shell)
    • ‘cmd’ with the ‘/c’ switch (Windows command shell)
    • ‘cd’ and a trailing slash (/) or backslash (), or a trailing double-dot (..)
    • ‘chmod’ with the ‘+x’ switch (Unix change file mode)

電文內容避免使用下列Shell 相關的字符來附加於原始輸入的指令,
字符包括分號 ( ; ),pipe ( | ), 反引號( ` ):

      • ‘chgrp’
      • ‘chmod’
      • ‘chown’
      • ‘csh’
      • ‘cmd’
      • ‘cpp’
      • ‘passwd’
      • ‘python’
      • ‘perl’
      • ‘ping’
      • ‘ps’
      • ‘nasm’
      • ‘nmap’
      • ‘nc’
      • ‘finger’
      • ‘ftp’
      • ‘kill’
      • ‘mail’
      • ‘xterm’
      • ‘rm’
      • ‘ls’
      • ‘lsof’
      • ‘telnet’
      • ‘uname’
      • ‘echo’
      • ‘id’
      • ‘g++’
      • ‘gcc’

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