Use the binding credit card.
Before using ECPay’s Embedded Checkout Page, merchant’s server should call ECPay’s API to get a Token. After receiving the token, merchants should set this token onto merchant’s webpage with the integration of ECPay’s JavaScript SDK to access the binding credit card page.
ECPay.addBindingCard(Token, Language, callBack(errMsg))
Token String
- A token used to validate merchant’s identity
- The lifespan is 30 minutes.
Language String
To use multilingual function, and Two languages are avaliable:
- ECPay.Language.zhTW : Traditional Chinese
- ECPay.Language.enUS: English
callBack description
The callback function after createPayment is completed. For example, if initialization fails, error message received by the callBack.
function (errMsg) {}
Get an example of how to use the binding credit card.
ECPay.initialize(serverType, function (errMsg) {
var lang = getCookie("language");
if (!lang) {
lang = ECPay.Language.zhTW;
ECPay.addBindingCard("55a026b8df314f9bb2dc808a5fe21c9d", lang, function (errMsg) {
//to do..