Get a bonded credit card code.
When the consumer clicks the confirmation button created by the merchant, call this function to obtain the Credit Card Binding Code (BindCardPayToken). Then, use this code to call the Create Bound Credit Card Transaction API to complete the transaction.
ECPay.getBindCardPayToken(callBack(BindCardPayToken, errMsg))
callBack description
The callback function after createPayment is completed. For example, if initialization fails, error message received by the callBack.
function (BindCardPayToken, errMsg){}
When run successfully, you can get the bonded credit card code.
BindCardPayToken String
Valid for 30 minutes.
Get an example of how to use the binding credit card code.
ECPay.getBindCardPayToken( function (BindCardPayToken, errMsg) {
if (errMsg != null)