- This chapter describes some testing information you need to know and to prepare before testing API calls.
- Before integrating ECPay’s e-invoice services into your system, we strongly recommend you do testing in ECPay’s stage environment first before you go live. The stage environment is an exact copy of the ECPay’s production environment, which is the real or live mode. The following testing information or credentials are shared at ECPay’s stage, so you do not have to do any extra registration. Every API call will require a MerchantID, which is a unique string of 7 digits, along with its pair of HashKey and HashIV.
- In production (live mode), the MerchantID, HashKey, and HashIV are globally unique IDs for your account, so please be sure to keep them secure to avoid any risk of information security (i.e., data leakage). Except for the MerchantID, HashKey, and HashIV for testing, the following table summarizes the account (username), password, and Tax ID to sign in to ECPay’s dashboard (i.e., ECPay’s dashboard, also at stage).
- The dashboard offers a user interface for users who are not developers to operate. It provides such features as managing payments and refunds, configuring your ECPay account, generating transaction reports, and a searching feature for financial personnel to look up transaction data or lists of e-invoices that have been issued. To login to the dashboard at stage, please see the following table.
To sign in ECPay’s dashboard (Stage)
The user interface of ECPay’s dashboard (in Chinese only)
Test Information
- The following information is only for testing API integrations at Stage. Do not use it at Production.
When you finish testing and are about to go to Production, please replace the MerchantID, HashKey, and HashIV with the real ones that you obtained from ECPay.
If you do not know your real MerchantID, HashKey, and HashIV provided by ECPay, please follow the guide in this FAQ to get them. - Dashboard:https://vendor-stage.ecpay.com.tw (-stage indicates it is at stage environment.)
- Due to frequent anomalies in the Ministry of Finance’s Stage system, which result in invoice upload failures, the ECPay Stage environment (MID 2000132) will directly set the invoice status to <Uploaded> once an invoice is issued and successfully verified by ECPay. The invoice will no longer be actually uploaded to the Ministry of Finance to avoid affecting subsequent vendor tests (such as allowance and voiding operations).
Merchant Test Data
- MerchantID:2000132
- Vendor System Account:Stagetest1234
- Vendor System Password:test1234
- Tax ID (VAT number):53538851
- HashKey:ejCk326UnaZWKisg
- HashIV:q9jcZX8Ib9LM8wYk
Platform Merchant Test Data
- PlatformID:3085340
- Vendor System Account:stagetest123456
- Vendor System Password:test123456
- Tax ID (VAT number): 09876543
- HashKey:HwiqPsywG1hLQNuN
- HashIV:YqITWD4TyKacYXpn
- PlatformID(3085340) has set MerchantID(2000132) as a sub-vendor