Application Scenarios
In general, ECPay provides three types of issuing e-invoice, including: “Instant Issuing”, “Delayed Issuing” and “Triggered issuing.” The term “Instant Issuing”, compared to the last two (“Delayed Issuing” and “Triggered issuing”), refers to issue an invoice to your customer immediately at the time of creation. It can also be viewed as “general invoicing” or “common invoicing” since in most scenarios, merchants tend to use this method to invoice their customers. On the other hand, the last two methods do not issue an invoice immediately. They will be scheduled for some days later. The following introduces their usages and differences in between.
(1) Instant issuing/general issuing (instant invoicing):
You can issue an invoice to your customer immediately by calling the API (/B2CInvoice/Issue). Send the API request to ECPay, and if successful, ECPay will return the invoicing result and send a notification to both you and the customer. The next step, within 48 hours, ECPay, being as a value-adding center, will upload this e-invoice to the Platform of Ministry of Finance, which would greatly save your time on this duty.
Sample of selecting the carrier
One of the pros of e-invoice is it is paper-free, so you might wonder how customer will keep or save the e-invoice without any paper? In most scenarios of onling shopping, when the customer is doing checkout, some information is required, such as payment and shipping methods. At this step, it usually requires the customer to provide his/her own carrier to store the e-invoice. The definition of what a carrier is could be referred to chapter 2: Term Glossary. In general, on your website you can design your own template for customer to fill-in. You can provide two options for customer to select: either the customer’s carrier or ECPay’s carrier. If the customer selects the former, he/she needs to provide a mobile barcode or citizen digital certification. If the latter, the e-invoice will be stored in ECPay’s system, which is a series of alphanumericals automatically generated by ECPay. Following is an example of how you could design user interface on your site.
- Stage:
- Production:
HTTPS format
- Content Type :application/json
- HTTP Method :POST
Request by Merchant (Json format)
PlatformID String(10)
- This parameter is specifically designed for platform vendors collaborating with ECPay. It can only be utilized after applying for and activating the service.
- If you are a general vendor, please leave the PlatformID empty.
- When using this parameter, the MerchantID must be filled in with the specific store code bound to your PlatformID to prevent operation failures.
- Please note that only the MerchantID of a bound sub-merchant can be used to avoid operational failures. For binding operations, please contact your business representative.
MerchantID String(10)
RqHeader Object
Request header
Timestamp Number
- Please convert the transmission time to a timestamp (GMT+8).
- ECPay will use this parameter to convert the current time to Unix TimeStamp to verify the time interval of this connection.
Special Notes:
- If ECPay receives the API call more than 10 minutes after the timestamp sent by merchants, this request will fail. Reference information is as follows:。
- Merchants are advised to frequently synchronize their server’s time to the nearest time zone server.
Data String
- Message payload
- This is the encrypted data in JSON format.
AES Encryption Description
"MerchantID": "2000132",
"RqHeader": {
"Timestamp": 1525168923
"Data": "..."
Message payload of Data (JSON format): please urlencode the JSON string first and then perform AES encryption
MerchantID String(10)
RelateNumber String(30)
- Unique ID of the e-invoice which is defined by the merchant itself.
ChannelPartner String(1)
The rest of the values are ignored.
CustomerID String(20)
- Customer ID
- This parameter enables merchants who have a member system to input the ID of individual consumer (customer).
Special notes : Only English letters, numbers, and underscore are acceptable. For example, abc_123
ProductServiceId String(10)
- The ID of Product-Service Types
- This parameter must consist of English letters (A-Z, a-z) and numbers (0-9), and its length must be between 1 and 10 characters.
- This parameter will only be processed when the internal backend switch is enabled; otherwise, this parameter will be ignored. To enable this feature, please contact your account representative.
Steps to follow are as outlined below:
- Contact the relevant department to enable the multi-serial number feature for the B2C system.
- In the vendor’s backend, under the Serial Number Category Management section, add product/service categories such as A0001-Tableware or A0002-Cleaning Supplies. You can refer to the Serial Number Category Management chapter in the e-Invoice System User Manual for more details.
- In the vendor’s backend, under the Serial Number and Allocation Settings section, add serial number allocations. You can refer to the Serial Number and Allocation Settings chapter in the e-Invoice System User Manual for further instructions.
- When issuing invoices via the Invoice API, use the previously set A0001 or A0002 from the vendor’s backend as the parameter for [ProductServiceID] to complete the invoicing process.
CustomerIdentifier String(8)
- Tax ID number (VAT number) of customer’s company
- According to the latest announcement from the Ministry of Finance, there have been some adjustments made to the verification method for the Unified Business Number. You can click on the following link to view:
[the Ministry of Finance’s Financial Information Center Tax ID number of customer’s company check code logic correction instructions] - If the above check logic is not met, the function of Isussing and Configuration of trading partners will fail.
Please be sure to provide the Tax ID number (VAT number).
CustomerName String(60)
- The name of the customer you are invoicing.
- This will be required if Print=1.
(1). If it is required, about the format, only numbers and Chinese or English characters are acceptable.
(2). If it is required, CustomerIdentifier should be required as well. In this case, the CustomerIdentifier should be populated with the name of the customer’s company.
CustomerAddr String(100)
- The address of the customer to receive the e-invoice
- This will be required if Print=1.
CustomerPhone String(20)
- The phone number of the customer you are invoicing.
- (1). This is optional if CustomerEmail is sent (i.e. either CustomerPhone or CustomerEmail is required.)
(2). If it is sent, only numbers are acceptable.
CustomerEmail String(80)
- The email of the customer you are invoicing.
- (1). This is optional if CustomerPhone is sent (i.e. either CustomerPhone or CustomerEmail is required.)
(2). If it is sent, only valid email format is acceptable (i.e. an email prefix and an email domain, both in acceptable formats. The prefix appears to the left of the @ symbol. The domain appears to the right of the @ symbol.)
(3). Only one email address is acceptable, while more than one is not allowed.
Special notes :
1. When testing ECPay’s API on Stage (API URL:, please do not place your real email address in order to avoid personal data breach.
2. When testing ECPay’s API on Stage, ECPay’s API will respond success or failure only and the API will validate if the email address is valid or not. Once the e-invoice is created, the Stage will not support sending email notification feature, but the Production will.
ClearanceMark String(1)
- A mark to indicate whether the goods is through the customs or not.
- This is required if the TaxType is 2 (zero tax) or 9 (a mix of taxable and zero tax).
Possible value:
1: If the goods is NOT via the customs.
2: Via the customs.
Print String(1)
- A mark to indicate whether this e-invoice is to be generated as PDF or not.
- 0: Not to print
1: To print
Special notes :
- If the donation note [Donation ]= “1” (Donation), please fill in 0.
- If the unified Business No. [CustomerIdentifier] has a value :
2.a If the carrier type [CarrierType] be empty, please fill in 1.
2.b If the carrier type [CarrierType]= “1” or “2”, please fill in 0.
2.c If the carrier type [CarrierType]= “3”, please fill in 0 or 1.
Special notes :
For KIOSK printing
(Please input the corresponding parameters as required, in addition to the request from our sales staff. )
1. To print the unannounced winning E-Invoice(ibon):
print only once (the E-Invoice cannot be reprinted in the future even if won)
2. To print the winning E-Invoice(iborn, FamiPort):
[Print]=0,[CarrierType]=1,[CustomerIdentifier]=””,[Donation]=0,print only once
3. If the remaining amount after allowance is NT $0, the E-Invoice can not be printed.
Donation String(1)
- A mark to indicate whether this e-invoice is to be donated to charity organizations or not.
- 0 : Not donation
1 : For donation
Special notes :
If the unified Business No. [CustomerIdentifier] has a value, then Donation is 0 which means do not donate.
LoveCode String(7)
- Donation code
- If customer chooses to donate E-Invoice, then the Donation Code of the donated needs to be entered to this parameter.
1. If the donation note [Donation ]= ‘1’ (Donation), then this parameter shall have value.
2. Donation code is limited to numerical digits, a minimum of three and maximum of seven. Content is designated as “Character Format”, first digit can be 0.
Special notes :
When using the LoveCode, please call Verifying the Existence of Love Code to check it first to avoid input errors.
Recommendation donation code
OMG Charitable Foundation for Social Care
Setup up in 2009 with the goal of gathering the support of web users to deliver love and care to every corner of the society.
Our Foundation strives to: Support the schooling of students under the poverty line or that lack education resources, protection of strays and animals in general, support of the elderly and minority, emergency support, humanitarian aid, social charity events and ad support…and others.
CarrierType String(1)
- The type of carrier to store this e-invoice
- If the print parameter [Print]=1 (indicating printing is required), and carrier is also needed, then it can only carry 3 denoting E-Invoice cellphone carrier. If no carrier is needed, please pass in an empty string.
- If it is a ECPay E-Invoice carrier, then please fill in 1
- If it is the customer’s citizen digital certificate, then please fill in 2
- If customer use E-Invoice cellphone carrier, please fill in 3.
Special notes :
- When the printing note [Print]=1(print E-Invoice), please keep this parameter empty.
- If the printing note [Print]=0(Do not print E-Invoice) and the Unified Business No. [CustomerIdentifier] has value, this parameter cannot be empty
- Only E-Invoice with a Green World E-Invoice carrier ([CarrierType]=1) can be printed on ibon after winning.
CarrierNum String(64)
- The number of the carrier to store this e-invoice.
- When the carrier type [CarrierType]=””(no carrier), please empty the string, if the [CarrierType]=”1″(Green World E-Invoicecarrier), then please empty the string, the system will fill in the value automatically.
- When the carrier type[CarrierType]=”2″(customer’s citizen digital certificate), then please fill in a fixed length of 16 and sequence format of 2 alphabet and 14 numerical digits.
- When the carrier type[CarrierType]=”3″(customer’s cellphone bar code), then please fill in a fixed length of 8 and sequence format of 1 code slash “/” followed by a sequence of 7 numerical digits, cap-sized alphabet characters, and symbols such as【+】【-】【.】
Special noted :
- When the cellphone carrier has a plus sign, then there might be an error during interfacing verification, please change the plus sign to a blank character.
- If the carrier number changes to mobile barcode carrier (a barcode of serial number on mobile), please firstly call Verifying the Existence of Mobile Barcode.
TaxType String(1)
- The Type of the tax
- When [InvTyp] is 07 (general tax), please enter 1, 2, 3 or 9 in this field.
If [InvType] is 08 (special tax), then please enter 3 or 4 in this field. - Parameter value explanation as follows:
a. If it should be taxed, please fill in 1.
b. If tax rate is zero, please fill in 2
c. If it is duty free, please fill in 3.
d. If it special tax computation, please fill in 4.
e. If it has a combined tax and duty free, please fill in 9(has to be approved). ECPay tax calculation method:
For regular invoices (non-combined tax, non-special):
( Invoice amount / 1.05 ) * 0.05, rounded to the nearest whole number.For combined tax invoices:
( Total sum of taxable items / 1.05 ) * 0.05, rounded to the nearest whole number.
SpecialTaxType Int
- Special Tax Type
- If [TaxType] is 1/2/9, please fill in 0.
If [TaxType] is 3, please fill in 8.
If [TaxType] is 4, and the parameter is required. - The parameter can fill in 1-8.
1: Saloons and tea rooms, coffee shops and bars offering companionship services:Tax rate is 25%.
2: Night clubs or restaurants providing entertaining show programs: Tax rate is 15%.
3: Banking businesses, insurance businesses, trust investment businesses, securities businesses, futures businesses, commercial paper businesses and pawn-broking businesses: Tax rate is 2%.
4: The sales amounts from reinsurance premiums shall be taxed at 1%.
5: Banking businesses, insurance businesses, trust investment businesses, securities businesses, futures businesses, commercial paper businesses and pawn-broking businesses: Tax rate is 5%
6: Core business revenues from the banking and insurance business of the banking and insurance industries (Applicable to sales after July 2014): Tax rate is 5%.
7: Core business revenues from the banking and insurance business of the banking and insurance industries (Applicable to sales after June 2014): Tax rate is 5%.
8: Duty free or non-output data.
SalesAmount Int
- E-Invoice total amount (Tax included)
- Please designate full numbers, no decimals allowed.
- New Taiwan Dollars only.
InvoiceRemark String(200)
- E-Invoice Notation
- The parameter shall be exempted when calculating the check digit.
Items Array[Object]
The product supports up to 999 items.
ItemSeq Int
- Item Sequence Number
- Please input 1~999 integer for this parameter.
ItemName String(100)
Item Name
ItemCount Number
- Merchandise quantity
- It could be up to 8 integers and 2 decimals after the decimal point.
ItemWord String(6)
Merchandise units
ItemPrice Number
- Merchandise price
- The value of ItemPrice is tax-excluded if vat:0 (tax-excluded), it could be up to 7 integers and 5 decimals after the decimal point.
- The value of ItemPrice is tax-included if vat:1 (tax-included), it could be up to 8 integers and 7 decimals after the decimal point.
ItemTaxType String(1)
- Merchandise tax category
- 1: Should be taxed
2: Tax rate is zero
3: Duty Free
Special notes :
Preset is an empty string, when the tax category [TaxType] = 9, this parameter cannot be null.
ItemAmount Number
- Merchandise total amount (tax-included).
- It could be up to 8 integers and 7 decimals after the decimal point.
Special notes :
- If vat= 1, and TaxType= 1 or 4:
ItemPrice(Tax)*ItemCount = ItemAmount(Tax)
ex: 500* 5= 2500 - If vat= 0, and TaxType= 1(Tax rate is 5%):
ItemPrice(duty free)*ItemCount*1.05= ItemAmount(Tax)
ex: 500* 5* 1.05= 2625
ItemRemark String(40)
Merchandise notation explanation
InvType String(2)
- Type of letter track of e-invoice
- Possible values:
07: general tax (common business or e-commerce, which shall be no less than 5 %).
08: special tax (i.e. for special food and beverage services enterprises, such as night clubs or restaurants providing entertaining show programs, saloons and tea rooms and bars offering companionship services).
vat String(1)
- Whether merchandise unit price includes tax
- Preset as included tax price
1: Tax included
0: Tax not included
"MerchantID": "2000132",
"RelateNumber": "20181028000000001",
"CustomerIdentifier": "53538851",
"CustomerName": "%e7%b6%a0%e7%95%8c%e7%a7%91%e6%8a%80%e8%82%a1%e4%bb%bd%e6%9c%89%e9%99%90%e5%85%ac%e5%8f%b8",
"CustomerAddr": "%e8%87%ba%e5%8c%97%e5%b8%82%e5%8d%97%e6%b8%af%e5%8d%80%e4%b8%89%e9%87%8d%e8%b7%af19-2%e8%99%9f56%e6%a8%93-2+(D%e6%a3%9f)",
"CustomerPhone": "0912345678",
"CustomerEmail": " ",
"ClearanceMark": "1",
"Print": "0",
"Donation": "1",
"LoveCode": "168001",
"CarrierType": "",
"CarrierNum": "",
"TaxType": "1",
"SalesAmount": 300,
"InvType": "07",
"vat": "1"
"Items": [
"ItemSeq": 1,
"ItemName": "item01",
"ItemCount": 1,
"ItemWord": "%E5%96%AE%E4%BD%8D1%7C%E5%96%AE%E4%BD%8D2%7C%E5%96%AE%E4%BD%8D3",
"ItemPrice": 50,
"ItemTaxType": "1",
"ItemAmount": 50,
"ItemRemark": "item01_desc"
"ItemSeq": 2,
"ItemName": "item02",
"ItemCount": 1,
"ItemWord": "%E5%96%AE%E4%BD%8D1%7C%E5%96%AE%E4%BD%8D2%7C%E5%96%AE%E4%BD%8D3",
"ItemPrice": 20,
"ItemTaxType": "1",
"ItemAmount": 20,
"ItemRemark": "item02_desc"
Response format
- Content Type :application/json
- HTTP Method :POST
Response by ECPay (Json format)
PlatformID String(10)
MerchantID String(10)
Response header
Timestamp Number
Unix timestamp(GMT+8)
TransCode Int
- Response code to indicate whether the payload is successfully accepted
- Possible values:
1: Payload (i.e. MerchantID, RqHeader, and Data) is successfully accepted by ECPay.
Others: failed.
TransMsg String(200)
Response message to indicate whether the payload is successfully accepted
Data String
- Message payload
- Respond with relevant data, this is the encrypted JSON format data.
AES Encryption Description
"MerchantID": "2000132",
"RpHeader": {
"Timestamp": 1525169058
"TransCode": 1,
"TransMsg": "",
"Data": "..."
Message payload of Data (JSON format): please do AES decryption to the Data first and then perform urldecode
RtnCode Int
- Return codes to indicate whether the API is successfully executed or not.
- Possible values:
1: API is successfully executed.
Others: failed.
RtnMsg String(200)
Return messages indicating whether the API is successfully executed or not.
InvoiceNo String(10)
- Number of e-invoice
- If the issuance is successfully completed then a set of E-Invoice number will be sent in response; If the issuance failed then a blank value will be sent in response.
InvoiceDate String(20)
- Time of e-invoice created
- Only if the e-invoice is successfully issued or created, the value of the InvoiceDate will be responded. .
The format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
RandomNumber String(4)
- A unique of 4-digit number generated randomly of each e-invoice, which is used to prevent fake or counterfeiting.
- This value could be seen on a real e-invoice, please see the chapter: searching e-invoice API, where there is an example to demonstrate (in picture.)
"RtnCode": 1,
"RtnMsg": "開立發票成功",
"InvoiceNo": "UV11100012",
"InvoiceDate": "2019-09-17 17:17:31",
"RandomNumber": "6868"
The provided YAML file is used to define the configuration, structure, operations, and infrastructure management information of the API, making it easier for developers to understand and use the API.
openapi: 3.1.0
title: ECPay General Invoice Issuance API
version: 1.0.0
- url:
description: Production Environment
- url:
description: Testing Environment
summary: General Invoice Issuance
description: Issue an invoice immediately.
required: true
type: object
- MerchantID
- RqHeader
- Data
type: string
description: Platform identifier (optional)
type: string
description: Merchant identifier
type: object
type: number
description: Timestamp of the request
type: string
description: Encrypted data in JSON format
description: Success
type: object
type: string
description: Platform identifier
type: string
description: Merchant identifier
type: object
type: number
description: Timestamp of the response
type: integer
description: Transmission code
type: string
description: Transmission message
type: string
description: Encrypted data in JSON format
description: Invalid request
description: Server error
type: object
type: string
description: Merchant identifier
type: string
description: Unique merchant-defined number
type: string
description: Customer identifier
type: string
description: Unified business number
type: string
description: Customer name
type: string
description: Customer address
type: string
description: Customer phone number
type: string
description: Customer email
type: string
description: Clearance mark
type: string
description: Print mark (0 = no print, 1 = print)
type: string
description: Donation mark (0 = no donation, 1 = donation)
type: string
description: Donation code
type: string
description: Carrier type
type: string
description: Carrier number
type: string
description: Tax type
type: number
description: Total sales amount
type: string
description: Invoice remark
type: array
type: object
type: integer
description: Item sequence number
type: string
description: Item name
type: number
description: Item quantity
type: string
description: Item unit
type: number
description: Item price
type: string
description: Item tax type
type: object
type: integer
description: Response code
type: string
description: Response message
type: string
description: Invoice number
type: string
format: date
description: Invoice date (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
type: string
description: Random number for the invoice