Preliminary Preparation / Test Information

Platform Vendor / POS Vendor

Please use the following information to interface with the test environment.


  • Platform ID:3085672
  • HashKey:3wIdviQWQMLPUQgL
  • HashIV:IA7t8cbi8UbtTYqk


  • Platform ID:3085672
  • HashKey:b15bd8514fed472c
  • HashIV:9c8458263def47cd


If you are a merchant, you do not need to fill in the parameter ‘Platform ID’.Please use the following information to interface with the test environment.


  • Merchant ID:3085676
  • HashKey:p2aDaZxWSZfx3weI
  • HashIV:GukfyCOrgSc39ok6


  • Merchant ID:3085676
  • HashKey:7b53896b742849d3
  • HashIV:37a0ad3c6ffa428b

Test Information

The ticket must be listed before it can be officially issued.In the STAGE environment, we provide platform merchants with the option to use the pre-established product data of ECPay for API testing. When integrating the API in the STAGE environment, please use the corresponding merchant ID provided for testing purposes.

Merchant ID

  • 3085676

Vendor’s Management System (Stage)

  • This website can provide the following services:
    • Payment Order Inquiry.
    • Product Information Inquiry.
    • Ticket Information Inquiry.
    • Ticket Redemption and Refund.

Login information

  • Acount ID:ecttcsstage02
  • Unified Business Number
  • Password:Aa123456

Product 1

  • Ticket type:Pickup Voucher
  • Item number:VQT04959
  • Item name:GW STAGE Test-Double Occupancy Room Voucher
  • Face value:1000

Product 2

  • Ticket type:Pickup Voucher
  • Item number:VNS21400
  • Item name:GW STAGE Test-Food Voucher
  • Face value:100

Product 3

  • Ticket type:Gift Voucher
  • Item number:CTT46366
  • Item name:GW STAGE Test-Dessert Redemption Voucher
  • Face value:0

❗ Special Note:

  1. Please do not use the test information in the production environment because it may not interface correctly.
  2. When switching to the production environment (real/live mode), please replace them with real ones that you apply to ECPay.Please refer to Get production environment information.
  3. The HashKey and HashIV used for payment and ticket services are different. Please use the corresponding interface information for integration.

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