API integration Scenarios / POS Vendor

Ticket Issuance:Electronic ticket / Convenience store ticket

❗ Special Note:

  • At the moment, payment via EDC is not available. Therefore, we kindly ask vendors to use other integration methods, such as the ‘All-In-One(AIO) API’ or ‘Embedded Checkout Page API’.
  • For more detailed information, please refer to integration scenarios, such as those used by the platform vendor.
  • ※This usage scenario is currently not available.
  • Scenario:
    From a POS vendor’s perspective, the issuance transaction of ticket orders is mainly composed of “creating a payment order” (Completed payment for the order through Electronic Data Capture.) and “ticket issuance (Issue)”.
  • Available APIs:
    (1) Query Product Information:/api/Ticket/QueryItemInfo
    (2) Ticket Issuance:/api/Ticket/Issue

Ticket Issuance:Paper ticket

  • ※This usage scenario is currently not available.
  • Scenario:
    From a POS vendor’s perspective, the issuance transaction of ticket orders is mainly composed of “creating a payment order” (Completed payment for the order through Electronic Data Capture.) and “ticket issuance (Issue)”.
    If the PrintType is selected as “Print by merchant” for paper tickets, after the ticket issuance is completed, the POS system must call the “Get Paper Ticket Information(QueryPrintData) API” to obtain the ticket information. Then, the merchant can print the ticket with a printer and hand it over to the customer. If the “Print by ECPay” option is selected, the tickets will be printed by ECPay and delivered by a dedicated person.
  • Available APIs:
    (1) Query Product Information:/api/Ticket/QueryItemInfo
    (2) Ticket Issuance:/api/Ticket/Issue
    (3) Query Ticket Issuance Results:/api/Ticket/QueryIssueResult
    (4) Get Paper Ticket Information:/api/Ticket/QueryPrintData

Ticket Redemption

Ticket Refund

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