Appendix / AES Encryption

Parameter Encryption Method Explanation

Use HashKey and HasIV for AES encryption. Please UrlEncode the payload before AES encryption.

  • AES encryption strength setting mode: 128 bit.
  • CipherMode: CBC
  • PaddingMode: PKCS7

❗ Special Note:

  1. Please do not use the test information in the production environment because it may not interface correctly.
  2. When switching to the production environment (real/live mode), please replace them with real ones that you apply to ECPay.Please refer to Get production environment information.

Encryption Example

  • MerchantID=3085676
  • HashKey=7b53896b742849d3
  • HashIV=37a0ad3c6ffa428b

(1) Data before encryption:


(2) URL Encode


(3) AES encryption:


Decryption Example

  • MerchantID=3085676
  • HashKey=7b53896b742849d3
  • HashIV=37a0ad3c6ffa428b

(1) Data (AES encrypted):


(2) After decryption:


(3) URLDecode:


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