Query Operation / Query Order Refund Information


Provide information on refunds for pickup voucher orders within the price protection period. The refund amount will be uploaded to the funds custody system after the refund is executed and will be returned only after confirmation from the bank.


  • Stage: https://ecticket-stage.ecpay.com.tw/api/Ticket/QueryRefundInfo
  • Production: https://ecticket.ecpay.com.tw/api/Ticket/QueryRefundInfo

Message format

  • Accept:text/html
  • Content Type:application/json
  • HTTP Method:POST

Request (JSON format)

PlatformID String(10)

Platform ID

  • This is used by platform merchants and will be provided by ECPay.
  • For platform merchants, please populate with [MerchantID].
  • For general merchants, please set as null.

MerchantID String(10)

Merchant ID (provided by ECPay)

RqHeader Object

Request header

Timestamp Number

Please convert the transmission time to a timestamp (GMT+8). ECPay will use this parameter to convert the current time to Unix Timestamp and verify the time interval of this API call.

❗ Special Note
  • ECPay will verify the timestamp.If ECPay receives the request is more 10 minutes late than the timestamp, the transaction will be failed.
  • Merchants are suggested to synchronize the time of a computer on client- or server-side to another server or nearest reference time source.
  • For more details can be seen here; another online tool can be found here.

Data Object

Payload of JSON that has been encrypted.

CheckMacValue String


Request Example (JSON format)

    "PlatformID": "3002599",
    "MerchantID": "2000132",
    "RqHeader": {
        "Timestamp": 1525168923
    "Data": "…",
    "CheckMacValue": "…"


Message payload of Data (JSON format)

❗ Special Note: Please urlencode the JSON string firstly and then do AES encryption.

MerchantID String(10)

Merchant ID (provided by ECPay)

MerchantTradeNo String(25)

❗ Special Note: The order must include a pickup voucher.

Data Example (JSON format)

    "MerchantID": "2000132",


Response (JSON format)

PlatformID String(10)

Platform ID

MerchantID String(10)

Merchant ID

RpHeader Object

Response header

Timestamp Number

Unix timestamp

TransCode Int

Response codes to indicate whether the payload is successfully accepted.

  • 1: Payload (i.e. MerchantID, RqHeader, and Data) is successfully accepted by ECPay.
  • Others: failed.

TransMsg String(200)

Response message to indicate whether the payload is successfully accepted.

Data String

Payload of JSON that has been encrypted.

CheckMacValue String


Response Example (JSON format)

    "PlatformID": "3002599",
    "MerchantID": "2000132",
    "RpHeader": {
        "Timestamp": 1525169058
    "TransCode": 1,
    "TransMsg": "",
    "Data": "…",
    "CheckMacValue": "…"  


Message payload of Data (JSON format)

RtnCode Int

Response codes to indicate whether the API is successfully executed or not.

  • 1: API is successfully executed.
  • Others: failed.
  • For more details please see error codes.

RtnMsg String(200)

Response messages.

MerchantID String(10)

Merchant ID (provided by ECPay)

MerchantTradeNo String(25)

Transaction ID (provided by the merchant).

TradeAmount Int

Order Amount

TotalRefundAmount Int

Total amount refunded for this order.

Data Example(JSON format)

    "RtnCode": 1,
    "RtnMsg": "success"
    "MerchantID": "2000132",


❗ Special Note:

  1. The refunded amount refers to the funds that have been uploaded to the funds custody system and confirmed by the bank.

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