Query Operation / Download Order Details File


Merchants can use the issue date to call this API and download order details and ticket details data.

❗ Special Note:

  • This API has a call frequency limit. The restriction is that each [MerchantID] can download only one CSV file per minute.


  • Stage: https://ecticket-stage.ecpay.com.tw/api/Ticket/OrderDetail
  • Production: https://ecticket.ecpay.com.tw/api/Ticket/OrderDetail

Message format

  • Content Type:application/json
  • HTTP Method:POST

Request (JSON format)

PlatformID String(10)

Platform ID

  • This is used by platform merchants and will be provided by ECPay.
  • For platform merchants, please populate with [MerchantID].
  • For general merchants, please set as null.

MerchantID String(10)

Merchant ID (provided by ECPay)

RqHeader Object

Request header

Timestamp Number

Please convert the transmission time to a timestamp (GMT+8). ECPay will use this parameter to convert the current time to Unix Timestamp and verify the time interval of this API call.

❗ Special Note:

  • ECPay will verify the timestamp.If ECPay receives the request is more 10 minutes late than the timestamp, the transaction will be failed.
  • Merchants are suggested to synchronize the time of a computer on client- or server-side to another server or nearest reference time source.
  • For more details can be seen here; another online tool can be found here.

Data Object

Payload of JSON that has been encrypted.

CheckMacValue String


Request Example (JSON format)

    "PlatformID": "",
    "MerchantID": "2000132",
    "RqHeader": {
        "Timestamp": 1525168923
    "Data": "…",
    "CheckMacValue": "…"


Message payload of Data (JSON format)

❗ Special Note: Please urlencode the JSON string firstly and then do AES encryption.

MerchantID String(10)

Merchant ID (provided by ECPay)

ReportType Int

The downloaded file types are:

  • 1: Order details file
  • 2: Ticket details file

BeginDate String(8)

Start date for querying by issue date.

The maximum query period is 3 months, in the format: yyyymmdd.

EndDate String(8)

End date for querying by issue date.

The maximum query period is 3 months, in the format: yyyymmdd.

Data Example (JSON format)

    "MerchantID": "2000132",
    "ReportType": 1,
    "BeginDate": "20230601",
    "EndDate": "20230630"


❗ Special Note: When the parameter [ReportType] is set to 1, the CSV file downloaded contains “Order Details“.

Response CSV File Format Details (Chinese Only):

特店訂單編號 String

The Transaction Number provided by the merchant.

贈品單號 String

Gift Vouchers Transaction Number.

ECT訂單編號 String

The Transaction Number provided by the ECTicket system.

金流服務商 String

  • 綠界金流: ECPay Payment Services

付款方式 String

The payment method for this order transaction

  • 信用卡: Credit Card

❗ Special Note:

  • The field will return a value only when the order includes pickup vouchers among the issued tickets.

信用卡授權單號 Int

Credit card authorization number

發行狀態 String

Ticket issuance result

  • 發行成功: Issuance successful
  • 發行失敗: Issuance failed
  • 發行作業處理中: Issuance processing

發行結果備註 String

Remarks on the issuance result.

When the issuance result is a failure, this field will provide an explanation of the reason for the issuance failure.

發行日期 String

Issuance date, format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss

出券類型 String

Ticket issuing type.

  • 超商票券: Convenience store ticket
  • 紙本票券: Paper ticket
  • 電子票券: Electronic ticket
  • 純序號: Serial number-only ticket

列印方式 String

Printing method for paper tickets:

  • 綠界列印: Print by ECPay
  • 廠商列印: Print by merchant
  • An empty string indicates it is not a paper ticket.

購買人姓名 String

Customer’s name.

購買人手機 String

Customer’s phone.

購買人Email String

Customer’s Email address.

履約保障到期日 String

Escrow expiration date, format: yyyy/mm/dd

訂單序號總數量 String

Total count of tickets or serial numbers.

訂單金額 String

Transaction amount

已核銷序號數量 String

Number of redeemed tickets or serial numbers.

已核銷總金額 String

Total amount of redeemed tickets or serial numbers.

已退貨序號數量 String

Number of refunded tickets or serial numbers.

已退貨總金額 String

Total amount of refunded tickets or serial numbers.

退貨手續費總金額 String

Total refund handling fees collected from consumers.

未使用序號數量 String

Total number of unused tickets or serial numbers.

未使用序號總金額 String

Total amount of unused tickets or serial numbers.

已失效票券數量 String

Number of expired tickets or serial numbers.

❗ Special Note: When the parameter [ReportType] is set to 2, the CSV file downloaded contains “Tickets Details“.

Response CSV File Format Details:

特店訂單編號 String

The Transaction Number provided by the merchant.

贈品單號 String

Gift Vouchers Transaction Number.

ECT訂單編號 String

The Transaction Number provided by the ECTicket system.

信用卡授權單號 Int

Credit card authorization number

發行日期 String

Issuance date, format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss

出券類型 String

Ticket issuing type.

  • 超商票券: Convenience store ticket
  • 紙本票券: Paper ticket
  • 電子票券: Electronic ticket
  • 純序號: Serial number-only ticket

列印方式 String

Printing method for paper tickets:

  • 綠界列印: Print by ECPay
  • 廠商列印: Print by merchant
  • An empty string indicates it is not a paper ticket.

票券類型 String

Ticket Type

  • 提貨券: Pickup Voucher
  • 贈品券: Gift Voucher

購買人姓名 String

Customer’s name.

購買人手機 String

Customer’s phone.

購買人Email String

Customer’s Email address.

履約保障到期日 String

Escrow expiration date, format: yyyy/mm/dd

票券序號 String

Ticket serial numbers

票券使用狀態 String

Status of ticket serial numbers.

  • 未使用: indicates tickets that have not been used after issuance.
  • 已核銷: tickets that have been used and redeemed.
  • 已退貨: tickets that have been refunded.
  • 已失效: expired gift vouchers.

商品編號 String

Item Number

商品名稱 String

Item Name

票券面額 String

Ticket face value

票券生效日 String

Ticket start date for usability, format: yyyy/mm/dd

核銷日期 String

Ticket redemption time, format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm

退貨日期 String

Ticket refund time, format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm

退貨手續費 String

Refund handling fees

贈品券到期日期 String

Expiration date of the gift voucher, format: yyyy/mm/dd

核銷代碼 String

Redemption code

  • The response will be returned only when the issuance type is Serial number-only.

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