When creating OK mart shipment orders (C2C), merchants could go to an OK.go kiosk to print it, or by calling this API to do so.
When using the Printing shipping labels function, please avoid using iframe to prevent blocking issues at convenience stores that may cause the process to fail.
- Stage:
- Production:
HTTPS Transfer Protocol
- Accept:text/html
- Content Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- HTTP Method:POST
Request Parameter Description
MerchantID String(10)
Provided by ECPAY.
AllPayLogisticsID String(Max)
Logistics order number.
- 1. Single consignment note/shipping label printing and batch printing are all supported.
- 2. To batch print use a half-type comma to separate each order For example: 10011, 10012.
- 3. For batch printing, the number of AllPayLogisticsID and CVSPaymentNo must be the same.
CVSPaymentNo String(Max)
Shipping number.
- To batch print use a half-type comma to separate each order.
PlatformID String(10)
- Provided by ECPAY, this parameter is used by Platform. General merchant should set this to null.
- When used by Platform, please use the MerchantID bound with merchant account.
CheckMacValue String
- Please refer to the appendix Checksum for more information.
Special Note:The test environment cannot produce the consignment note immediately, so the preview of the consignment note is schematic and only provides the test of printing function.