
Creating Return Orders / Process flow

Process flow of shipment Returns

Description of the process steps

Role /Timing Action Description
Merchant / When customer requests for return
1. Create reverse logistics order

To create a reverse logistics order, merchants please follow the descriptions for “Convenience store pickup reverse logistics order (FAMI B2C)” or "Convenience store pickup reverse logistics order (7-ELEVEN B2C)”.

2. Submit return order number

Once the reverse logistics order has been created, ECPAY will send the order creation result and the return number to [ServerReplyURL] from "Convenience store pickup reverse logistics order (FAMI B2C)” or "Convenience store pickup reverse logistics order (7-ELEVEN B2C)”.

3. Display the return order number
Once merchant has received the return order number from the system, provide that number to the customer.
4. Customer brings goods to convenience store
Customer prints return label with return number at the convenience store and fix label on the goods to be returned and hands over to convenience store clerk.
Convenience store
5. Logistics status update
Once the returned goods have been received, notify logistics center for collection.
Logistics Center
6. Head to convenience store to collect returned goods
Delivery van dispatched to convenience store to collect returned goods.
Logistics Center
7. Logistics status notification
The logistics center will notify ECPay when the logistics status of the goods has an update.
8. Logistics status notification

Once the logistics status of the goods has been updated, ECPAY will send a logistics status notification to [ServerReplyURL] from "Convenience store pickup reverse logistics order (FAMI B2C)” or "Convenience store pickup reverse logistics order (7-ELEVEN B2C)”.

9. Pick up returned goods from logistics center
Merchants should go to logistics center and retrieve returned goods from customers.
10. Based on the received logistics status updates, refresh order status on merchant's side.
Merchants please update order status based on the received logistics updates.

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