- When a convenience store is closed or transferred, the merchant will receive an updated store notification from ECPay at SeverReplyURL, and ECPay will also send an EMAIL notification to the merchant. After waiting for the buyer to provide the updated store information, the merchant needs to re-select the (B2C)/(C2C) pickup store.
- Merchants can also re-select (C2C) return stores through this API.
With this API, merchants can modify shipping date and pickup store.
- For 7-ELEVEN of B2C mode: updating shipping dates and pickup stores.
- For Hi-Life and FamilyMart of B2C mode: updating pickup stores.
- Stage:
- Production:
HTTPS Transfer Protocol
- Accept:text/html
- Content Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- HTTP Method:POST
Request Parameter Description
MerchantID String(10)
Provided by ECPAY
AllPayLogisticsID String(20)
Logistics transaction number.
ShipmentDate String(10)
Logistics order shipping date
- Format:yyyy/mm/dd
Special Notes:
- For 7-ELEVEN: either this parameter or ReceiverStoreID is required.
- For Hi-Life and FamilyMart : this parameter is required.
- For 7-ELEVEN, when the RtnCode=2037, please be sure to change the pickup store before 10:00 am on the 3rd day since receiving RtnCode=2037.
ReceiverStoreID String(6)
Logistics order pickup store.
Special Notes:
- If the convenience store is 7-ELEVEN, either the ShipmentDate(the date the goods arrive at the logistics center) or the ReceiverStoreID(the pickup store location) must be filled in as a mandatory field.
- The pickup store location can only be changed when the 7-ELEVEN shipment status is 2037.
- For Hi-Life and FamilyMart : this parameter is required.
- The pickup store location can only be changed when the FamilyMart shipment status is 7011.
- The pickup location can only be changed when the Hi-Life shipment status is 7011
Upon receiving the updated shipment status from any of the above-mentioned convenience stores, please change the pickup location before 10 a.m. on the third day (e.g., if the shipment status is received on 5/26, the change must be made before 10 a.m. on 5/28).
PlatformID String(10)
- Provided by ECPAY, this parameter is used by Platform. General merchant should set this to null.
- When used by Platform, please use the MerchantID bound with merchant account
CheckMacValue String
- Please refer to the appendix Checksum for more information.
Response Parameter Description
Return plain text value
- Success if the return value is 1|OK
- Failure if the return value is not 1|OK, or fails to return