Provide a platform or merchant that can directly access the full list of partner convenience store locations.
Once the store list is obtained, the e-commerce platform can implement a dropdown menu or filtering options on the shopping page, allowing consumers to find suitable pickup locations based on city or district. This eliminates the need to redirect to the convenience store’s electronic map, streamlining the store selection process and enhancing the consumer experience.
Special Notes :
ECPay updates the store information daily in coordination with the update times of various convenience stores. The specific time is: once daily, with updates at 20:00.
- Stage:
- Production:
HTTPS Transfer Protocol
- Accept:text/html
- Content Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- HTTP Method:POST
Request Parameter Description
PlatformID String(10)
- Plateform ID
- Provided by ECPay, this parameter is for use by platform partners in project collaborations.
- General merchants integrating the service should leave this value empty. For platform partners in project collaborations, please provide the MerchantID linked to the seller.
MerchantID String(10)
- Merchant ID
- Provided by ECPay
CvsType String(20)
Convenience Store Types include the following options:
- All
- FAMI : Family
- UNIMART : 7-ELEVEN(Normal Temperature)
- HILIFE : Hi-Life
CheckMacValue String
Please refer to the appendix for more information on checksum mechanism
Response Parameter Description
RtnCode Int
- Return Code
- 1 indicates the API execution was successful, while all other codes represent failure.
RtnMsg String(200)
Return Message
StoreList Array[Object]
Store List
CvsType String(20)
Convenience store Type
StoreInfo Array[Object]
Convenience store Information
Response StoreInfo Parameter Description(Json format)
StoreId String(10)
Store ID
StoreName String(40)
Store Name
StoreAddr String(100)
Store Address
StorePhone String(20)
Store Phone
Example of a response message
"RtnCode": 1,
"RtnMsg": "成功",
"StoreList": [
"CvsType": "FAMI",
"StoreInfo": [
"StoreId": "01XXXX",
"StoreName": "新營國XX店",
"StoreAddr": "臺南市後壁區竹新里XX號",
"StorePhone": "066XXXXX"
"CvsType": "UNIMART",
"StoreInfo": [
"StoreId": "02XXXX",
"StoreName": "台南XX店",
"StoreAddr": "臺南市永康區竹新里XX號",
"StorePhone": "066XXXXX"