Return orders of FAMI (B2C)
- Stage:
- Production:
HTTPS Transfer Protocol
- Accept:text/html
- Content Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- HTTP Method:POST
Request Parameter Description
MerchantID String(10)
Provided by ECPAY
AllPayLogisticsID String(20)
ECPAY’s logistics order number
- Numbers only, no special symbols nor letters
ServerReplyURL String(200)
Server-side reply URL.
- The reverse logistics status will be notified thru this URL.
GoodsName String(50)
Goods name.
- Please use # to separate multiple goods items. Do not use single or double quotation marks.
GoodsAmount Int
Goods price value.
- Value ranges from $1 to $20,000 NTD.
- Compensation amount for lost goods, numbers only.
CollectionAmount Int
Amount of money to be collected.
- Default value 0
ServiceType String(5)
Service type code.
- Default value 4: Return goods, no payment.
SenderName String(50)
Sender name
Special Note:Characters including ^ ‘ ` ! @ # % & * + \ ” < > | _ [ ] and other special symbols are not allowed. Blank space is also not allowed. The system will automatically remove any spaces found.
SenderPhone String(20)
Return person phone.
- Only a 10-digit numeric string beginning with 09 is allowed.
Remark String(20)
Quantity String(50)
- Please use # to separate multiple goods items.
Cost String(50)
- Please use # to separate multiple goods items.
PlatformID String(10)
- Provided by ECPAY, this parameter is used by Platform, regular Merchants please pass an empty value.
- When used by Platform, please use the MerchantID bound with merchant account.
CheckMacValue String
- Please refer to the appendix Checksum for more information.
Response Parameter Description
RtnMerchantTradeNo String(20)
ECPAY Reverse Logistics Transaction Number.
RtnOrderNo String(12)
Return order number
- To return goods, key in the return order number from Family Key.
Response Messages Sample
- Correct
RtnMerchantTradeNo | RtnOrderNo
- Error