Merchants may use this API to query for an order.
- Stage:
- Production:
HTTPS Transfer Protocol
- Accept:text/html
- Content Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- HTTP Method:POST
Request Parameter Description
MerchantID String(10)
Provided by ECPAY
AllPayLogisticsID String(20)
logistics transaction number.
- Either this parameter or MerchantTradeNo is required.
MerchantTradeNo String(20)
- 1. Merchant transaction numbers are unique and cannot be reused.
- 2. Alphanumeric string.
- 3. Either this parameter or AllPayLogisticsID is required.
TimeStamp Int
- Convert the current time to UnixTimeStamp (see example) It’s used to verify the time interval for this interface.
- The ECPAY verification time interval is tentatively scheduled to be valid for 3 minutes. Once time runs out, the interface will expire.
- Reference link:
PlatformID String(10)
- Provided by ECPAY, this parameter is used by Platform. General merchant should set this to null.
- When used by Platform, please use the MerchantID bound with merchant account
CheckMacValue String
- Please refer to the appendix for more information on checksum mechanism.
Response Parameter Description
ActualWeight Number
- The value is returned only when the Logistics Subtype [LogisticsSubType] is POST (Chunghwa Post).
- The maximum weight is 20 kilograms, displayed up to three decimal places.
- The unit is kilograms.
AllPayLogisticsID String(20)
BookingNote String(50)
Consignment number.
- When logistics type is set to “HOME“, a value will be returned.
CollectionAllocateAmount Int
When the CollectionAllocateAmount is 0, the following two scenarios do not imply that the allocation amount is 0:
- If the [CollectionAmount] is not 0 and the [CollectionAllocateDate] is null, it indicates that the remittance has not yet been made.
- If the [CollectionAmount] is 0, it means that this order does not require cash on delivery.
CollectionAllocateDate String(10)
The format is yyyy/MM/dd
CollectionAmount Int
CollectionChargeFee Int
CVSPaymentNo String(15)
- The value is returned only when the logistics type is CVS.
- For convenience store C2C delivery numbers, use this field. For 7-ELEVEN, additionally retrieve the [CVSValidationNo] for concatenation.
CVSValidationNo String(10)
- Returned only for (C2C) 7-ELEVEN.
- The 7-ELEVEN C2C delivery code is a combination of [CVSPaymentNo] and [CVSValidationNo].
GoodsAmount Int
Goods price value.
- Compensation amount for lost goods, numbers only.
GoodsName String(200)
GoodsWeight Number
- The value is returned only when the Logistics Subtype [LogisticsSubType] is POST (Chunghwa Post).
- The maximum limit is 20 kilograms, displayed up to three decimal places.
- The unit is kilograms.
HandlingCharge Int
LogisticsStatus String(8)
Logistics status,
- Please refer to the logistics status code list.
LogisticsType String(20)
The logistics method selected by member.
- Please refer to the logistics methods list.
MerchantID String(9)
MerchantTradeNo String(20)
ShipChargeDate String(10)
The format is yyyy/MM/dd
ShipmentNo String(8)
Delivery number.
- When logistics type is set to “CVS“, a value will be returned.
TradeDate String(20)
Order creation time.
- Format is :yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
SenderName String(10)
SenderPhone String(20)
Since this parameter is optional when creating an order and is also not required when applying for logistics services, it may return a null value.
SenderCellPhone String(10)
CheckMacValue String
- Please refer to the appendix for more information on checksum mechanism.
Response Messages Sample:
The order result will be directly sent to the website, shown as “parameter = value“, and separated with a “&“.
ShipmentNo=82420218218&TradeDate=2021/12/15 14:23:34&SenderName=王大明&SenderPhone=0222018909&SenderCellPhone=0987878787&CheckMacValue=B655FB0F67E8F89DB9DD997D19C3B62D